All published articles

Surveys Act Gambit – The Decision is In

By way of background, this issue had a tortured history, and relates to waterfront property and its boundaries as it relates to a municipal road that likewise goes to the water’s edge.  There was litigation between the land owner on one side of the road as against the owner on the other side of the…

By John Barzo Read This Article

Insurance Coverage – Forcing the Insurer’s Hand (Part 3 – the Finale)

Seems like I am on a roll! For the background, go back to Parts 1 and 2 as previously posted. But once again, the insurance company folded like a cheap shirt.  Without even putting up a fight, the insurer agreed to take over the defence of my clients, re-paid them the costs of defending to…

By John Barzo Read This Article

Municipal Insurance – Getting Your Money’s Worth

Insurance coverage disputes don’t just effect individuals, but also municipalities, their staff and elected officials. Just as I dealt with forcing one insurer to comply with its obligations, another one comes in the door.  This time it involved a claim made against a particular municipality, and against one of its elected officials. The insurer readily…

By John Barzo Read This Article

Surveys Act Gambit (…a follow up…)

We are still awaiting the decision of the Surveyor General for Ontario in the 1st Surveys Act matter that I initiated on behalf of a municipality ( see my prior “Surveys Act Gambit” article for background, as well as by “Boundaries Act” article).  In fact, it is my understanding that this is the 1st Surveys…

By John Barzo Read This Article