All articles by John Barzo

Does Hiring a Big Law Firm Lead to Bigger Legal Bills?

Sometimes yes. Lawyers’ bills can be reviewed by way of an “assessment” by a judicial officer.  The following is a quote from such an assessment hearing on a “big firm’s” accounts: “Based on my experience in other assessment hearings, I have found that some law firms have taken to the practice of offering a team…

By John Barzo Read This Article

Supreme Court of Canada Directs Lawyers and Judges to Re-think How Lawsuits Are to be Conducted

If you scroll to the top of this web site, you will see quote where I define, in part, what it is that I do. Let me repeat it:  “Throughout the course of a lawsuit, a large part of my job is to give practical advice in an impractical system.” Here, in part, is what…

By John Barzo Read This Article

Definitions in Draft County Official Plan Regarding Recreational Uses

This is in response to a specific inquiry on a prior post. The issue relates to how part-time population numbers are reflected in the Growth Plan and the draft County Official Plan. The excerpt  below shows the change in wording proposed in the County Official Plan.    

By John Barzo Read This Article

Simcoe County Official Plan Appeal Drags On and On and On

I have been attending the Ontario Municipal Board hearings on this matter.   It is more crowded than a Rolling Stones concert! (I know, I know, …who?).  It is filled with lawyers and planners.  The combined hourly rate must be through the roof. So here is what is going on. The Province passed what is known…

By John Barzo Read This Article